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Chugach Climate Vulnerability Assessment (CVA)

Chugach Climate Vulnerability Assessment

In collaboration with the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP) and the UAA Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), Chugach National Forest (CNF), and the US Forest Service, the Landscape Ecology Program helped conduct a climate vulnerability assessment (CVA) for the Chugach region. CVAs use climate projections and future landscape condition models to evaluate potential ecological and socioeconomic effects of climate change at regional scales. In the Chugach assessment, projections were made for a range of modeled data, including a baseline time period (1971-2000), the current decade (10’s), and future decades (2020s, 2040s, and 2060s). These data provided measurements of change as they are likely to manifest themselves in and around the Chugach National Forest. SNAP provided data on the effects of climate change on the following environmental factors: mean and extreme July and January temperature; mean and extreme July and January precipitation; timing of thaw and freeze; length of unfrozen season; and estimated snowline. In addition, SNAP provided information from the published literature regarding other potential climate-linked changes, including those associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), ocean acidification, and storm frequency and intensity.

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Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-151.49047851563 59.026422436606, -150.57861328125 59.058564722982, -149.8974609375 59.373440853361, -149.3701171875 59.563201610509, -148.9306640625 59.751898723671, -148.4912109375 59.751898723671, -147.744140625 59.66774058165, -147.15087890625 59.895481273255, -146.93115234375 60.070322397877, -146.56860351563 60.174306261926, -146.25 60.223447204399, -145.78857421875 60.157909590069, -145.1513671875 60.10422163689, -144.95361328125 59.994522486902, -144.95361328125 59.740828266697, -144.6240234375 59.652132508228, -144.20654296875 59.762965513797, -144.052734375 59.818244489769, -143.32763671875 59.961541620375, -142.97607421875 60.191718762243, -143.1298828125 60.485306666776, -143.701171875 60.915415706406, -144.0966796875 61.181322103378, -144.7998046875 61.392445141049, -145.92041015625 61.486987866258, -146.689453125 61.654357308162, -147.32666015625 61.685638623919, -148.3154296875 61.643923161883, -148.974609375 61.560323131893, -149.46624755859 61.460816252074, -149.74365234375 61.394479346033, -149.84390258789 61.335248340865, -149.90570068359 61.261381911992, -149.95788574219 61.229671600555, -150.09384155273 61.199914126167, -150.1171875 61.165492664837, -150.09521484375 61.133022646124, -149.90158081055 61.04605090543, -149.78485107422 60.996816102203, -150.28610229492 60.993486670526, -150.3630065918 61.057350815582, -150.56076049805 61.001476720321, -150.78872680664 60.952172716859, -151.09085083008 60.833932358999, -151.435546875 60.792934645822, -151.46301269531 60.693603069304, -151.41357421875 60.553481617242, -151.33117675781 60.469657735792, -151.40808105469 60.401899749234, -151.47399902344 60.263234911643, -151.58386230469 60.181391873765, -151.88598632813 59.970391275135, -151.93542480469 59.752504033531, -151.86950683594 59.677708603581, -151.6552734375 59.59996624427, -151.60583496094 59.5304011478, -151.96838378906 59.446733121571, -152.14965820313 59.26193262232, -152.138671875 59.169154664211, -151.96838378906 59.087414174226, -151.77062988281 59.036580528214))
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Southcentral, Alaska
English (United States)
Public Access Level