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Alaska Ecosystems of Conservation Concern

From temperate rainforests to arctic tundra, a wealth of ecosystems span the vast and varied landscapes of Alaska. Among these are rare ecosystems, which support unique assemblages of specialized and/or diverse flora and fauna within a small geographic area or restricted range. In Alaska, remoteness preserves many ecosystems in pristine condition, yet some naturally-uncommon systems are in decline due to their intrinsic vulnerabilities or external threats.
Here we provide descriptions, distribution maps, and conservation status assessments for rare ecosystems in Alaska. Ecosystems are described at two levels – the Biophysical Setting and the Plant Association. Biophysical settings represent the vegetation that dominates the landscape in the absence of human action for a specific physical environment and natural disturbance regime, whereas plant associations are a finer-scale type representing communities of definite floristic composition and uniform habitat.

Rare Ecosystems of Conservation Concern

Data and Resources

Release Date
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Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-134.9560546875 54.408540933774, -133.1982421875 54.536222879457, -130.1220703125 54.587184129624, -129.19921875 55.418882004224, -129.7705078125 56.379699960755, -130.7373046875 56.791101739393, -132.1435546875 57.788428763956, -133.6376953125 59.301655008315, -134.384765625 59.879979345032, -135.6591796875 60.20912203063, -136.6259765625 59.990058250948, -137.8564453125 60.187281158597, -138.515625 60.621344751797, -139.482421875 60.814789886892, -140.09765625 60.921756868235, -140.009765625 64.747774862031, -140.009765625 69.92417286463, -141.4599609375 70.297915091061, -143.1298828125 70.679515685606, -146.1181640625 70.766562816169, -149.150390625 71.26686194455, -151.5673828125 71.50531567386, -153.8525390625 71.616513246162, -156.181640625 71.809557536767, -157.6318359375 71.809557536767, -158.90625 71.588774508537, -161.9384765625 70.867640903458, -164.267578125 70.342312766531, -164.7509765625 69.711917319414, -166.2451171875 69.466707562874, -167.8271484375 69.171837509851, -167.9150390625 68.761768880405, -168.0908203125 68.19758249902, -166.7724609375 67.484916011385, -166.025390625 67.026195665606, -167.16796875 66.663315685915, -168.57421875 66.064304452645, -168.98620605469 66.015785368551, -169.03015136719 65.487905213604, -169.013671875 65.175535826461, -171.298828125 64.236836105448, -172.30682373047 63.979575849425, -172.79296875 63.166135888569, -173.671875 61.889166927012, -174.22119140625 60.576174726269, -173.2763671875 59.467407941837, -171.5625 58.631216643425, -171.5625 57.539416794475, -170.595703125 55.67758441109, -171.2548828125 54.048907938385, -175.341796875 52.951120163682, -181.318359375 53.056898069445, -186.2841796875 53.686135238171, -187.7783203125 53.634053516459, -188.701171875 52.871616566799, -187.55859375 52.203398695209, -186.064453125 51.47026338272, -181.93359375 50.697327508283, -177.626953125 50.418143877306, -173.4521484375 50.947180178057, -170.2001953125 51.634214543026, -167.51953125 52.310997483367, -161.3232421875 53.555810223595, -157.236328125 54.714308778521, -153.4130859375 55.468734807297, -151.34765625 56.646412233912, -149.94140625 57.998638149375, -149.150390625 58.461383753198, -144.404296875 59.008749041335, -141.328125 58.918118925098, -139.5703125 58.369317032861, -138.2958984375 57.671114003279, -137.2412109375 56.476903421268, -136.23046875 55.343984657871, -135.9228515625 54.89161591461, -135.9228515625 54.89161591461))
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Alaska, USA
English (United States)
30 m
Alaska Center for Conservation Science
Contact Name
Anjanette Steer
Contact Email
Public Access Level