In July 2012, the Alaska Center for Conservation Science conducted small mammal surveys on St. Lawrence Island. The team captured 61 individuals from July 19 to July 27 using Sherman and pitfall traps placed near the villages of Gambell and Savoonga in dwarf shrub, graminoid herbaceous, and forb herbaceous habitats. Root voles (Microtus oeconomus), northern red-backed voles (Myodes rutilus) and the St. Lawrence Island shrew (Sorex jacksoni) were captured. Arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii) were also observed. The report describes survey methods and trapping results, including a description of the habitats in which they were found.
Data and Resources
Field | Value |
Modified | 2019-09-19 |
Release Date | 2019-09-18 |
Identifier | 2496aa38-ed88-450e-bfa8-c17fcb3baa65 |
License | License Not Specified |
Public Access Level | Public |