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Capture data from small mammal surveys on St. Lawrence Island, July 2012

Capture data from the small mammal surveys that were conducted on St. Lawrence Island from July 19 to 27, 2012. Five worksheets are included: "metadata" (defines abbreviations), "capture" (capture data), "transect trap stations" (data on each individual trap to calculate effort, including start and end time of trapping session and false triggers), "general transect" (description of each transect), "waypoints" (coordinates of each trap station).

Summary of survey methods
Ten transects were set within a two mile radius of the villages of Gambell and Savoonga. Transects consisted of a series of trapping stations spaced every 5 to 10 meters. Each trapping station had two Sherman traps (baited with peanut butter and rolled oats) and/or unbaited pitfall traps placed within two meters of each other. Individual trapping sessions ranged from 4 to 8 hours and occurred during both day and night. Depending on the species and number of individuals captured, transects were kept open from 4 hours (1 trapping session for pitfall traps) to 2 days (multiple trapping sessions). A total of 61 small mammals were trapped over 4,948 trap hours. All captures were made in Sherman traps.

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timestampSep 18, 2019