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Dolly Varden Resident Habitat in Interior Alaska

Resident Dolly Varden habitats were modeled for the entire study area. Dolly Varden generally mature at five to nine years of age and can spawn multiple times throughout their lifetimes. Tagging studies have shown that anadromous Dolly Varden maintain a strong fidelity to overwintering and spawning areas and that spawning typically occurs in overwintering areas. However, some Dolly Varden may overwinter in areas not connected to their natal streams. Dolly Varden use habitats associated with discharging groundwater for spawning, rearing, and overwintering. Peak spawning occurs in September and October, usually in headwater streams in the study area. Females lay eggs in small nests dug into gravel streambeds. Hatching of eggs generally occurs in March, and juvenile fish emerge from the gravel in late spring. Juvenile Dolly Varden rear in streams, rivers, and/or lakes for a few years, after which time individuals from anadromous populations may migrate to nearshore coastal. Dolly Varden consume aquatic macroinvertebrates, salmon eggs and fry, and other small fishes. Juveniles feed primarily on macroinvertebrates.

Dolly varden resident habitat in Interior Alaska

Data and Resources

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-142.734375 62.955223045159, -140.3173828125 62.14497603754, -140.2734375 68.675540078517, -143.0859375 69.118548200771, -145.283203125 69.236684232389, -146.689453125 69.243498967199, -149.150390625 69.099939674251, -151.611328125 68.656554984757, -153.7646484375 68.608520846399, -155.6982421875 68.736383452873, -156.97265625 68.992879045794, -159.697265625 69.118548200771, -162.94921875 68.643555900788, -164.267578125 68.223580287685, -164.794921875 67.359957410029, -162.861328125 66.323170560792, -161.279296875 65.643553293069, -159.609375 65.131103353073, -157.5 64.796356791179, -155.302734375 64.796356791179, -153.30322265625 64.699105442048, -150.380859375 64.358930978945, -148.73291015625 64.086606778817, -147.7001953125 63.913227674248, -146.865234375 63.782486031165, -144.052734375 63.312682780435))
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Interior, Alaska, USA
English (United States)
Alaska Center for Conservation Science
Data Dictionary
Public Access Level